Energy Boundaries - LMT Ethics
9:00 AM09:00

Energy Boundaries - LMT Ethics

  • Bhanu Joy Harrison, LCSW - Choosing Mindfulness (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Bodywork is a powerful and deeply personal experience. The close contact with your client can trigger subtle or overt boundary shifts that can feel confusing, inappropriate or overwhelming. Using case examples from your practice, we will explore ways your intuition and body knowledge can help you establish clearer boundaries. We will also identify personal issues that may be preventing you from creating a safe and ethical practice.

4 CE's in Ethics - New Mexico and NCBTMB including Standard V Roles & Boundaries

$90 including tax

Registration: You may register online or mail a check for $90 to Bhanu Harrison, PO Box 70308, Albuquerque, NM  87197

Click HERE to register!

Satisfies NCBTMB's Standard V Roles and Boundaries Requirements

Workshop Cancellation Policy: 80% refund up to 2 weeks before the workshop.  50% refund thereafter until 5 days prior to the workshop.  No refund if you cancel less than 5 days before the workshop.  Instructor reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to insufficient registration.  

Certification Requirements: You must be in attendance the entire class to earn a Certificate of Completion.  Certificates will be awarded for 4 CEs in Ethics. There is a $5 fee for replacing lost certificates.

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NEW!!  Somatic Safety - Ethical Tools to Create Healing & Growth    -     Live  In Person class
9:00 AM09:00

NEW!! Somatic Safety - Ethical Tools to Create Healing & Growth - Live In Person class

  • Bhanu Joy Harrison, LCSW - Choosing Mindfulness (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“Safety” is vitally important in the healing process for our clients.  As therapists, understanding the science of safety is foundational to being able to implement appropriate clinical strategies of comfort and safe touch. We will cover ethical skills such as clear communication, mindful presence, understanding of the nervous system, the effects of trauma and social injustices, body responses to safety and threat, scope of practice and the power of co-regulation.  Clinical examples will be used to illustrate these concepts as well as open and in-depth discussion.

Live In Person class held at ABQ School of Healing Arts. 4600 Copper Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM. 87108

4 CE's in Ethics - New Mexico

$95 including tax

Registration: You may register online or mail a check for $95 to Bhanu Harrison, PO Box 70308, Albuquerque, NM  87197

Workshop Cancellation Policy: 80% refund up to 2 weeks before the workshop.  50% refund thereafter until 5 days prior to the workshop.  No refund if you cancel less than 5 days before the workshop.  Instructor reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to insufficient registration.

Certificate Requirements: You must be in attendance for the entire class to earn a Certificate of Completion.  Certificates will be awarded for 4 CEs. There is a $5 fee for replacing last certificates.

Click HERE to register

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Ethical Issues for Chronic Pain
9:00 AM09:00

Ethical Issues for Chronic Pain

  • Bhanu Joy Harrison, LCSW - Choosing Mindfulness (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Chronic pain is at epidemic proportions in our community. Many individuals will seek out massage and bodywork therapies to relieve their chronic pain. In this ethics class, we will cover various theories of pain, discuss how bodywork can benefit pain, and understand the impact of stress, trauma, negative thinking and emotional patterns on pain. We will also discuss the impact of working on clients who are on pain medications.

4 CE's in Ethics - New Mexico and NCBTMB ethics

$90 including tax

Registration: You may register online or mail a check for $90 to Bhanu Harrison, PO Box 70308, Albuquerque, NM  87197

Workshop Cancellation Policy: 80% refund up to 2 weeks before the workshop.  50% refund thereafter until 5 days prior to the workshop.  No refund if you cancel less than 5 days before the workshop.  Instructor reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to insufficient registration.

Certificate Requirements: You must be in attendance for the entire class to earn a Certificate of Completion.  Certificates will be awarded for 4 CEs. There is a $5 fee for replacing last certificates.

Click HERE to register!

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Money, Power and Ethics - In Person Ethics for LMTs
9:00 AM09:00

Money, Power and Ethics - In Person Ethics for LMTs

  • Bhanu Joy Harrison, LCSW - Choosing Mindfulness (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Power and money are strong forces that are oft misunderstood and misused.  We will discuss how your beliefs about money and power affect your therapeutic relationships, professional worth, confidence and ability to practice ethically.  Details include professional intent, role power, privilege, boundary setting, finances and more.

4 CE's in Ethics - New Mexico and NCBTMB including Standard V Roles & Boundaries

Fee: $90

Registration: Register online or mail at check for $90 to Bhanu Harrison PO Box 70308, ABQ. 87197. Once I receive your order I will email info about the zoom class.

Click HERE to register!

Satisfies NCBTMB's Standard V Roles and Boundaries Requirements

Workshop Cancellation Policy: 80% refund up to 2 weeks before the workshop.  50% refund thereafter until 5 days prior to the workshop.  No refund if you cancel less than 5 days before the workshop.  Instructor reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to insufficient registration.

Certification Requirements: You must be in attendance the entire class to earn a Certificate of Completion.  Certificates will be awarded for 4 CEs in Ethics. There is a $5 fee for replacing lost certificates.

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Understanding and Transforming Stress - Live Online Ethics for LMTs
9:00 AM09:00

Understanding and Transforming Stress - Live Online Ethics for LMTs

  • Bhanu Joy Harrison, LCSW - Choosing Mindfulness (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Stress is the #1 reason clients seek out bodywork, yet how well do you understand it?  We will explore the physiology of stress, the stress-trauma continuum, effects of stress on the body, homeostasis vs. allostasis, and how bodywork, polyvagal understanding, mindfulness and other approaches can relieve stress.

4 CE's in Ethics - New Mexico and NCBTMB including Standard V Roles & Boundaries

Fee: $90

Registration: Register online or mail at check for $90 to Bhanu Harrison PO Box 70308, ABQ. 87197. Once I receive your order I will email info about the zoom class.

Click HERE to register!

Satisfies NCBTMB's Standard V Roles and Boundaries Requirements

Workshop Cancellation Policy: 80% refund up to 2 weeks before the workshop.  50% refund thereafter until 5 days prior to the workshop.  No refund if you cancel less than 5 days before the workshop.  Instructor reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to insufficient registration.

Certification Requirements: You must be in attendance the entire class to earn a Certificate of Completion.  Certificates will be awarded for 4 CEs in Ethics. There is a $5 fee for replacing lost certificates.

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Trauma Informed Bodywork Skills - Ethics for LMTs
9:00 AM09:00

Trauma Informed Bodywork Skills - Ethics for LMTs

Trauma is so prevalent in our society that you will inevitably work with clients with trauma histories. In this live online course we will take a deep dive into issues of safety, for both the client and therapist, discuss the concept of the window of tolerance, and work with skills to help therapists and clients stay in their window. In addition, we will cover the physiology of trauma, scope of practice issues, flashback protocol, contraindications for bodywork in those with trauma, and how to avoid re-traumatization.

4 CE's in Ethics - New Mexico and NCBTMB including Standard V Roles & Boundaries

Fee: $90

Registration: Register online or mail at check for $90 to Bhanu Harrison PO Box 70308, ABQ. 87197. Once I receive your order I will email info about the zoom class.

Click HERE to register.

Satisfies NCBTMB's Standard V Roles & Boundaries Requirement

Certification Requirements: You must be in attendance for the entire class to earn a Certificate of Completion.  Certificates will be awarded for 4 CEs in Ethics.  There is a $5 fee for replacing lost certificates.

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Creating Safety - Using Physiology to Enhance the Therapeutic Connection - Ethics for LMTs
9:00 AM09:00

Creating Safety - Using Physiology to Enhance the Therapeutic Connection - Ethics for LMTs

"Neuroception” is the ability we all possess to determine safety, danger or life threat.  We will discuss Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory and how we can use it to create greater safety and therapeutic benefit for clients and a more ethical practice.  Topics include: evolution of the nervous system and its functioning, creating safety through tracking our personal and client body responses to the work and tools to enhance deeper connection. Create healthy and professional relationships with your clients!

4 CE's in Ethics - New Mexico and NCBTMB including Standard V Roles & Boundaries

Fee: $90

Registration: Register online or mail at check for $90 to Bhanu Harrison PO Box 70308, ABQ. 87197. Once I receive your order I will email info about the zoom class.

Click HERE to register!

Satisfies NCBTMB's Standard V Roles and Boundaries Requirements

Workshop Cancellation Policy: 80% refund up to 2 weeks before the workshop.  50% refund thereafter until 5 days prior to the workshop.  No refund if you cancel less than 5 days before the workshop.  Instructor reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to insufficient registration.

Certification Requirements: You must be in attendance the entire class to earn a Certificate of Completion.  Certificates will be awarded for 4 CEs in Ethics. There is a $5 fee for replacing lost certificates.

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Ethical Issues with Chronic Pain Clients - Live, In Person Ethics for LMTs
9:00 AM09:00

Ethical Issues with Chronic Pain Clients - Live, In Person Ethics for LMTs

  • Albuquerque School of Healing Arts (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Chronic pain is at epidemic proportions in our community. Many individuals will seek out massage and bodywork therapies to relieve their chronic pain. In this ethics class, we will cover various theories of pain, discuss how bodywork can benefit pain, and understand the impact of stress, trauma, negative thinking and emotional patterns on pain. We will also discuss the impact of working on clients who are on pain medications.

4 CE's in Ethics - New Mexico and NCBTMB ethics

$95 including tax

Registration: You may register online or mail a check for $95 to Bhanu Harrison, PO Box 70308, Albuquerque, NM  87197

Workshop Cancellation Policy: 80% refund up to 2 weeks before the workshop.  50% refund thereafter until 5 days prior to the workshop.  No refund if you cancel less than 5 days before the workshop.  Instructor reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to insufficient registration.

Certificate Requirements: You must be in attendance for the entire class to earn a Certificate of Completion.  Certificates will be awarded for 4 CEs. There is a $5 fee for replacing last certificates.

Click HERE to register!

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Becoming a Mindful Therapist - Ethics & Self Care for Massage Therapists - Live online
9:00 AM09:00

Becoming a Mindful Therapist - Ethics & Self Care for Massage Therapists - Live online

How present are you during treatments?  Are you “zoning” out?  Learn about the science of mindfulness and presence so you can develop an "inner witness" to help you maintain your high ethical standards.  Learn what happens in the brain when you pay attention and how this can increase our intuition and improve our clinical and ethical decision making.  Class includes somatic and mindfulness exercises to enhance ethical behavior, treatment awareness and self reflection.

4 CE's in Ethics - New Mexico

4 CE's in Self Care - NCBTMB

$90 including tax

Registration: You may register online or mail a check for $90 to Bhanu Harrison, PO Box 70308, Albuquerque, NM  87197. You will then receive a confirmation email with directions on how to register for the Zoom class.

Click HERE to register!

Workshop Cancellation Policy: 80% refund up to 2 weeks before the workshop.  50% refund thereafter until 5 days prior to the workshop.  No refund if you cancel less than 5 days before the workshop.  Instructor reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to insufficient registration.  

Certification Requirements: You must be in attendance for the entire class to earn a Certificate of Completion.  Certificates will be awarded for 4 CEs in Ethics.  There is a $5 fee for replacing lost certificates.

Note: NCBTMB will give 4 hours of Self Care Continuing credits for this class (not ethics).



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Energy Boundaries - Ethics for Massage Therapists - Live Online
9:00 AM09:00

Energy Boundaries - Ethics for Massage Therapists - Live Online

Bodywork is a powerful and deeply personal experience. The close contact with your client can trigger subtle or overt boundary shifts that can feel confusing, inappropriate or overwhelming. Using case examples from your practice, we will explore ways your intuition and body knowledge can help you establish clearer boundaries. We will also identify personal issues that may be preventing you from creating a safe and ethical practice.

4 CE's in Ethics - New Mexico and NCBTMB including Standard V Roles & Boundaries

$90 including tax

Registration: You may register online or mail a check for $90 to Bhanu Harrison, PO Box 70308, Albuquerque, NM  87197

Click HERE to register!

Satisfies NCBTMB's Standard V Roles and Boundaries Requirements

Workshop Cancellation Policy: 80% refund up to 2 weeks before the workshop.  50% refund thereafter until 5 days prior to the workshop.  No refund if you cancel less than 5 days before the workshop.  Instructor reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to insufficient registration.  

Certification Requirements: You must be in attendance the entire class to earn a Certificate of Completion.  Certificates will be awarded for 4 CEs in Ethics. There is a $5 fee for replacing lost certificates.

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Crossing the Line - Boundary & Scope of Practice Issues -  Ethics for LMT's
9:00 AM09:00

Crossing the Line - Boundary & Scope of Practice Issues - Ethics for LMT's

Crossing the Line – Boundary Issues - 2 hours

Boundaries are not always clear.  Distorted communications, unclear policies and fear of dealing with boundary problems can create havoc in your practice.  Your case situations will foster discussion to give you support and new ways to handle those difficult situations.

Scope of Practice Issues - 2 hours

The plethora of research into the unity of body, mind and emotions makes it difficult to find the line between bodywork and emotional issues.  Through group discussion and case examples, we will clarify the boundary between counseling and bodywork and provide clear guidelines on following our scope of practice as outlined in state and national regulations. 

4 CE's in Ethics - New Mexico and NCBTMB including Standard V Roles & Boundaries

$90 including tax

Registration: Once you register online I will send a confirmation with the zoom link info.

Satisfies NCBTMB's Standard V Roles and Boundaries Requirements

Workshop Cancellation Policy: 80% refund up to 2 weeks before the workshop.  50% refund thereafter until 5 days prior to the workshop.  No refund if you cancel less than 5 days before the workshop.  Instructor reserves the right to cancel a workshop due to insufficient registration.  

Certification Requirements: You must be in attendance the entire class to earn a Certificate of Completion.  Certificates will be awarded for 4 CEs in Ethics. There is a $5 fee for replacing lost certificates.

Click HERE to register!

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