We’ve all been sheltering at home for almost 3 months now. It has given me the opportunity to practice my meditations….indoors and outdoors, brainstorm new ways to share and educate about mindfulness and have a deep practice of greater simplicity.
We have all had to “be” with ourselves in new and different ways. Less stimulation from the outside world, socializing on two dimensional screens, perhaps more walks and movement and much wondering how the world will be as we emerge slowly over time.
I am fortunate that I have been able to work remotely from home. So many have lost their lives, their jobs, their homes or risk their lives daily to provide all of us services and care. These times are truly heartbreaking and have changed us all.
My meditation practice guides me in managing the stress of these times. My hope is that you have good resources to keep your head, heart and body “above water”. And I hope to see you on one of my free meditations soon!
Take good care….